May 5, 2009
Post Ranch Inn has switched on a panel solar installation, one of the largest hotel solar projects in California. The solar array is owned and operated by Recurrent Energy, a distributed power company and leading provider of onsite solar energy. Post Ranch buys its electricity generated by the system from Recurrent Energy through a power purchase agreement at an estimated lower rate than Post Ranch would pay the utility company. In addition, Post Ranch is now insulated from future utility increases. After 15 years of operation, the hotel can purchase the system at a nominal cost and produce free electricity for itself.
Post Ranch Inn has switched on a panel solar installation, one of the largest hotel solar projects in California. The solar array is owned and operated by Recurrent Energy, a distributed power company and leading provider of onsite solar energy. Post Ranch buys its electricity generated by the system from Recurrent Energy through a power purchase agreement at an estimated lower rate than Post Ranch would pay the utility company. In addition, Post Ranch is now insulated from future utility increases. After 15 years of operation, the hotel can purchase the system at a nominal cost and produce free electricity for itself.
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1 comment:
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